The notion of Esoteric Codes is not really broadly known, as is itself a little bit esoteric. I got the name from a website by Daniel Temkin an artist that works with code.
Generally speaking Esoteric Codes are approaches to languages, platforms and systems that break from the norms of computing. The esolang community has a long history and is a quirky online community that gathers around weird programming languages, however I prefer the broader definition of Esoteric Codes, as it is more inclusive of other forms of computing not just programming.
In this block we will explore the culture around coding, putting emphasis in its cultural manifestations at the more experimental fringes, outside of common techniques and conventional thinking and illustrate it through some quirky softwares.
While esolangs are interesting to the computer science geeks and compiler-curious people. I will try to put emphasis in languages that are interesting from the perspective of an audiovisual artist that can be used in practices like Live Coding.
Most of the software we will be using for this module is open source.
This project is pretty experimental for me and I am not an expert on all the systems that will be covered, so in each class you will get a very rough introduction to a new quirky software. You will then be given some time to explore it on your own in block 1 and hopefully get a grasp of it, after that in block 2 you will be asked to use your favorite to produce a work of your own.
In Block 1 we will use the sessions to get acquainted with a new esoteric system and then you get a week to experiment with it and do something with it. At the end of block 1 you will be assessed on the basis of the expeirments you show.
At the end of Block 1 you will get an assignment that will last the whole of Block 2.
We will have 14 sessions in total for this project, divided in two blocks. We will meet on Wednesdays, except for three weeks in which we will meet on Friday.
Introduction: what is code? how do we code? why do we code? what is hard about code? what is an esoteric language?
learning to code vs. coding to learn
ESOLANG #1: Introduction to the Microbit
Reading: "Learnable Programming", Bret Victor (about 1h30 reading time)
Design principles behind the micro:bit environment that improve the learning experience of coding:
Paradigms: spatial programming
#### BLK1: 24 Sept (attention: Friday)
Paradigms: visual programming
Present: results of experiments with Microbit
ESOLANG #1: [MAX/PD]( TouchDesigner
Paradigms: functional synthesis Present: results of experiments with ORCA
ESOLANG #3: Hydra/Fluxus
Paradigms: synth-based Presentation: results of experiments with MAX or TD
ESOLANG #4: Supercollider/SonicPi
Paradigms: massively parallel Presentation: results of experimetns with Hydra
ESOLANG #5: GPU shaders
On this date you will have no class from me.
You will get the assignment for Block 2 on this date.
Presentation: wrap-up of results from previous block
Intro to the ESP32.
Final project presentation.