Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

From Zero to Javascript

Let's go through the basics of how to code in Javascript. Open the Mozilla Firefox browser, open the developer tools and select the console tab. Alternatively you can press cmd+alt+k.

Let's type along

And misuse Javascript as our calculator:

3 + 3
567775 - 5
3 * 3
3 ** 2
16 / 4
32 / 6.5
((32 * 2) / 4)
64 > 50
50 < 70
50 < 50
50 <= 50
50 >= 50
50 == 50 // compare

Let's look at the ++, --, =- and =+ operators, they are strange but they will be handy pretty soon.

v = 5
v += 3
v += 2
v -= 4
console.log("Most trees have more than 4 leaves, except dead trees");
document.write("Most trees have more than 4 leaves, except dead trees");
document.write("<h1>Most trees have more than 4 leaves, except dead trees</h1>");
document.write("<h4>Dead trees do not have leaves</h4>");

Each of these lines is a statement and you can think of a statement as an action of some kind:

That's what a statement does, it instructs your program to do something, anything. Whatever gets you closer to your ultimate goal.

Storing things

Imagine that we are told that in our frontend we have to stay flexible, that our researcher just found about some trees that do not have leaves but they are also not dead, so we might want to show something else there instead of dead trees. We can use a variable to store our special, exceptional tree and later decide what to show.

except = "dead trees";
console.log("Most trees have more than 4 leaves, except " + except);

Variables are used to temporarily store things in our programs.

Variables normally have a name, a datatype (the kind of thing that they are storing) and a value.

<name> = <value>


[var|let] <name> = <value>

In javascript you will also see variables sometimes preceded by a keyword like let or var, these keywords will become important later, but at this stage all we need to understand is that they are used to define a variable, so whatever follows var or let is the name of a variable and whatever follows the = sign will be the value of that variable.

The value of our variable might change during the execution of our script. In the example above our value has the value "dead trees" and is of a data type called string. A string is an alphanumeric colletion of characters and it is often used to represent text. But variables can have other datatypes too, they can be fdifferent kinds of numbers, they can be lists of things and if there is no datatype that satisfies your needs, you can always make your own datatypes.

To learn more about Javascript's basic data types, follow this link.

Let's go back to our example. Our researcher just told us that "pine trees do not have leaves, they have needles instead". Oh! that's a nice exception let's go back to our script.

var except = "pine trees, they have needles instead";
let howmany = 4;
console.log("Most trees have more than "+ howmany +" leaves, except " + except);

Time always moves forward

A computer program like the script above, runs in a certain amount of time, the computer executes one instruction at a time in an ordered sequence, so the first instruction goes first, the second goes after that and so on.

The idea of an ordered sequence is important when we are scripting. How the arrow of time moves within our program as the execution progresses is called flow. If we let things be and our script has a straight flow, things will simply be executed in a linear sequence until our program has ran out of statements, no surprises there.

But if we alter that flow by using a special kind of statement called a flow control statement we can jump around our program and alter the sequence of statements that gets executed. So maybe we can skip some statements under certain conditions and execute a different sequence when it's Tuesday for example.

Flow control


A block of statements in Javascript is declared by surrounding it with curly brackets. You can think of a block as a group of statements that belong together and are executed one after the other. For example the instructions to do a laundry in a washing machine could be defined as a block.

  // open door
  // load our dirty laundry
  // close door
  // open detergent drawer
  // pour detergent in the correct drawer
  // pour softener in the correct drawer
  // close drawer
  // set correct program in program wheel
  // start washing cycle

Block statements are often used together with other flow control statements (e.g. if, for, while)

Conditional expression

A conditional expressions can be tested to be true or false, a kind of yes or no question, like for example: is an apple a fruit? is the person's height greater than 170cm?

Conditional expression are normally used as conditions in all flow control statements. They are the way in which you can test conditions in your code to control execution flow.

Examples of conditional expressions:

"apple" == "orange"
"apple" != "orange"
65 > 20
30 == 30
"apple" == "apple"

Conditional expressions can be compounded or chained together, to conflate various comparisons into a single condition. This is useful for example when you want to ask a question that has various conditions that need to be met for the answer to be yes or no, such as for example: is this person from London AND above 18 years of age? Is Northern Ireland part of the United Kingdom AND part in the Island of Ireland? Is mozarella a soft cheese AND of Italian origin? The AND in this case is expressed by using the double-ampersand && symbol.

(age > 18) && (city == "London")

It is also possible to test two conditions and get a positive result if only one of them is true. In this case we use the OR operator, denoted by a || symbol. Is a person blonde OR ginger?

(hair == 'blond') || (hair == 'ginger')

In this case the whole conditional expression will be true, if only one of the conditions is true.

Javascript quirk: Falsyness

The following values evaluate to false (also known as Falsy values), so any variable or conditional statement inside of an if that evaluates as falsy will result in the if condition not being met:

So this means that the code inside of this if statement will never be executed:

if("") {
    // will never execute what's inside here

The condition in the if statement is normally expressed as a conditional expression, using the comparison operators in javascript, follow link for details.

If statement

The if statement is used to test a condition, if that condition is met it will execute one block of code (containing statement A) and if the condition is not met it will execute the block of code after the else (containing statement B). If no else clause is indicated and the condition in the if isn't met, the flow will continue with the first statement after the if block.

if (<condition>) {
    // statement A
} else {
    // statement B

// statement C (outside the if..else)

There are other fancier ways of doing more sohisticated condition checking and flow control that are sometimes more approrpiate to use than the if statement. Read more about them here. For this initiation session we will have enough with if only.

Looping and iterating: For statement

The word iteration is a fancy computer-sciency word that is used to mean repeating something a specific number of times. For example, in plain english one could say something like "repeat my name until sunrise", this would be a kind of iteration. We have an action expressed by a statement like: "repeat my name" and a condition to terminate the iteration expressed by the condition: "until sunrise".

for (<initial state> ; <loop condition> ; <step>) {
    // statement

The syntax is a bit tricky, why would you need three expressions in that parenthesis!? Well that has to do with the fact that a for statement normally needs a counter to keep track of how many times it has done something. A kind of index so that it can keep asking itself "how many times have I done this!?". Let's say that we have a tree with 20 leaves and we want to drop them all one by one. We could use a for statement such as this:

howmanyleaves = 20
for(current = 0; current < howmanyleaves; current++) {
    console.log("dropping leaf: " + current);

As you can see the variable with the name current is used as an internal counter to keep track of how many times the loop has run.

The for statement is not the only way to create a loop the are other ways that might be more appropriate given your usecase. But for this beginning sessionwe will only cover for, but you should also learn about for..in, while, break and continue in your own time as you will soon come across use cases where for will not be the best things to use. Continue reading about loops here.

Watch this video of the CodingTrain for a more detailed explanation and some visual examples.

Wrap up

That's it! That's all you need to get started scripting. Of course this is only a good start and there is quite some things that I have intentionally left out, but with these basics you will be able to do pretty sophisticated stuff fairly soon and the rest will come to you as you need it.

Javascript is a very versatile language with some quirks of its own, it will take a while before you become proficient in the entire language. Be patient and practice! Get yourself a good cheatsheet (choose from the suggestions below), print it out and have it near your computer in your first weeks.

There are many online cheat sheets and quick references that will be handy to keep by your side as you do your first try outs.

There are other notions important to programming that we will encounter as we start writing slightly longer pieces, such as functions and objects, but you will be introduced to those on a need to know basis as you progress.

Keep exercising your javascript-fu

Deeper into the rabbit hole

The How to Read Software chapter goes a little deeper into the idea of programming languages as an interface and contains a few references that hopefully will inspire you to think of code as a kind of UI.